What is anxiety?
An Anxiety disorder is a common mental health condition in Australia with an average of one in four people; one in three women and one in five men, experiencing an anxiety disorder at some stage during their lives (Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008). National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007. Cat. No. [4326.0]. Canberra: ABS).
While anxiety is a valuable human reaction which serves an important survival function, people with anxiety disorders tend to experience feelings of fear which appear disproportionate to their life events and can negatively impact quality of life.
Symptoms of anxiety
While anxiety symptoms can vary according to the type of anxiety disorder experienced; common symptoms include:
Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, increased sweating, trembling, nausea, shortness of breath, racing heart and/or heart palpitations
Restlessness and fatigue
Difficulty concentrating
Sleep Disturbances
Irrational fears and feelings of impending doom
Racing thoughts and panic
Mood disturbances – irritability and tearfulness
Avoidant behaviours such as feeling compelled to avoid stressful
situations and in extreme situations, may avoid leaving the house